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ハンガリーの射出成形メーカー トップ6社



この記事では、主な6つの項目を挙げている。 射出成形会社 ハンガリーでは、自動車、エレクトロニクス、ヘルスケアなどさまざまな分野で、金型設計、精密成形、組立、製品開発サービスを提供している。

1.有限会社 プラスティックフォーム

設立年 2001
従業員数 50-100
ビジネスタイプ PLASTIC FORM Ltd.は、射出成形とブロー成形のソリューションを専門とする近代的な企業です。


ウェブサイト https://plastic-form.hu
Eメール info@plasticform.hu
電話 +36 52 446 284
住所 4002 Debrecen,,Jégvirág u. 16., Hungary


2001年にヤーノシュ・ブライ氏によって設立されたPLASTIC-FORM社は、射出・ブロー成形金型の設計、製造、メンテナンス、修理においてハンガリーで最も著名な企業となった。デブレツェンに本社を置き、1,500平方メートルの施設で先進的な機械を稼働させている。輸送以外にも、自動車産業やパッケージング産業で工具設計サービスを提供している。2015年現在、PLASTIC FORM Ltd.はMSZ EN ISO 9001:2015の認証を取得し、2015年の要求事項およびMSZ EN ISO 14001:2015の数値に完全に準拠するとともに、精密工具および製造ソリューションの信頼できる国際的サプライヤーとしての地位を維持している。


  • 射出成形
  • 工具製作
  • 工具の修理と修正
  • 3D形状プラスチック製品
  • ブロー成形


1. 高品質基準-PLASTIC-FORM Ltd.は、最高の品質と持続可能性を保証するISO 9001:2015とISO 14001:2015の認証を取得しています。

2. エンドツーエンドのツーリングソリューション:設計、生産、メンテナンス、輸送...包括的なサービスを提供します。

3. 先進技術-Anaerobic製品は、射出成形やブロー成形における精密さと効率性を追求した最先端の機械と連携して開発されています。


1. 低グローバルリーチ - 欧州市場のみでサービスを提供し、世界では利用できない。

2. 事業の専門性:主に自動車業界と包装業界を担当。

3. 高度な金型と生産には、高い初期費用がかかるかもしれない。



設立年 2002
従業員数 100-200
ビジネスタイプ プラスチック・金属製品の製造、射出成形。


ウェブサイト http://www.plastic2.hu/index.html
Eメール plastic2@t-online.hu
電話 +36 20 9344 100
住所 1097 ブダペスト、ティモート通り2ハンガリー


ハンガリーの会社 Plastic Product Hungary Kft.2002年から存在するプラスチックと金属製品専門の会社。主な業務は、中古のヨーロッパ製オリジナル射出成形機と周辺機器の売買と再生、および箱、ケース、部品などのプラスチック製品の生産である。同社はまた、コンサルティング、設置、トレーニングも行っており、50~250トンのクランプ力を持つ機械で操業している。ダン・アンド・ブラッドストリートの監査を受けており、透明性を重視している。プラスチック・プロダクト・ハンガリー社(Plastic Product Hungary Kft.)は、プラスチック産業向けに高品質の製品とサービスを提供し、その信頼性と熟練度には長い定評がある。


  • 射出成形機のリース
  • 買収
  • 検査とテスト
  • 工具製造
  • 商品企画


1. 同社はプラスチック製造と射出成形機に関する幅広い専門知識を持っている。

2. Dun & Bradstreetによる監査済み - 透明性の高いオペレーション:信頼性。

3. 企業概要、事業紹介。


1. 生産能力が許す場合のみ下請けに出す(生産能力の制限)。

2. このセクションは主に中古品に焦点をあてているため、すべてのお客様に当てはまるとは限りません。

3. ISOも業界認証も見当たらない不明確な認証

射出成形サービスが必要な場合、または設備を購入したい場合は、最も信頼性の高いソリューションを提供するPlastic Product Hungary Kft.にご連絡ください。


設立年 2004
従業員数 100-200
ビジネスタイプ 様々な産業向けの開発製造、射出成形、金型設計、組立サービス、自動化、製品に特化したPlasticor 


ウェブサイト https://www.plasticor.hu/en/
電話 +36 70 426 6717
Eメール sales@plasticor.hu
本社:8200 Veszprém, Veszprémvölgyi u 22.ハンガリー


2004年に設立されたPlasticor Kft.は、ハンガリーのプラスチック射出成形会社で、社内工具と完全な組立サービスを備えている。ヴェスプレムに2,000m²の工場を持ち、80名の専門家が自動車、電子機器、医療機器市場にサービスを提供している。社内工具製造、超音波溶接、タンポン印刷、ロボットによる自動生産は、同社のサービスの一部である。同社はISO 9001:2015およびISO 14001:2015の認証を取得している。Plasticor社は、受託生産、提携、金型搬送サービスを提供する際、技術革新と顧客満足を誇りとしている。


  • プラスチック射出成形
  • 工具工場、修理、メンテナンス
  • 組み立て
  • 超音波溶接
  • 工具製造


1. プラスチック成形、金型設計、組立、後加工。

2. 技術投資 - 効率的な生産のためにオートメーションとロボットを使用。

3. Quality Certifications – ISO 9001 ensures high standards and is certified under ISO 14001:2015 and 2015.


1. Scaling may be limited for very large projects suitable for medium-sized companies.

2. In-Depth Coordination – Various services may need to be coordinated.

3. On plastics only – Not all other manufacturing processes were focused on other than plastics.

Plasticor Kft. is the right place to go for professional solutions for injection molding services or when you want to buy equipment.

4.PAYER Industries Hungary Kft.

設立年 1946
従業員もいない: 1000-1100
ビジネスタイプ PAYER Group is a manufacturer and product developer specializing in injection molding, metal processing, and medical and consumer goods manufacturing.


ウェブサイト www.payergroup.com
電話 +36 88 520 000
Eメール office.hungary@payergroup.com
住所 Sport utca 27, 8400 Ajka, HUNGARY


Founded in Austria in 1946, PAYER Group is a global leader in medical and consumer goods manufacturing. It operates four production sites in Austria, Hungary, China, and Malaysia, all focused on innovation. Our specialties are product development, tool making, injection molding, and metal processing. Regarding cutting-edge technology and a production environment of the highest quality, PAYER is a name that may be new to you and probably not one that you realize was even an option. It holds ISO 13485: With 2016 medical devices certification; the company can provide the highest quality standards in manufacturing its products. PAYER helps leading global brands across their sectors.


  • プラスチック射出成形
  • Integrated management
  • Assembling and packaging
  • 工具製作
  • Concept and development


1. Global Presence—With production sites in Austria, Hungary, China, and Malaysia, PAYER offers a wide reach.

2. Expertise in developing products, injection molding, and metal working and processing for industries of all kinds.

3. High Standards – Holds ISO 13485: Manufacturing medical devices with 2016 certification for quality.


1. Coordination Challenges – Managing multiple production sites across regions and playing a game theory change game each month.

2. High Competition – Operates in a highly competitive global market, especially in medical manufacturing.

3. It focuses on some industries, primarily medical and consumer goods

If you are searching for injection molding services or the purchase of products, then talk with PAYER Group for safe and proficient help.

5.Kaloplasztik Kft.

設立年 1964
従業員数 400-700
ビジネスタイプ We manufacture plastic and rubber, specializing in automotive parts such as seals, profiles, and technical components.


ウェブサイト https://www.kaloplasztik.hu/
電話 +36 78 461200
住所 H-6300 Kalocsa., Gombolyagi Str. 1. Hungary


KALOplasztik Műanyag- és Gumiipari Kft. (founded in 1964) Hungarian manufacturers mainly produce plastic and rubber products for the automotive industry. They make rubber seals, technical parts, and thermoplastics using advanced molding technologies. The company holds key certifications, including IATF 16949:2016 for automotive quality management and ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management. KALOplasztik is present in Kalocsa, Hungary, and it focuses on providing high-quality solutions and cheap solutions, achieving customer satisfaction, and effective communication about the whole manufacturing process.


  • プラスチック射出成形
  • Rubber press and injection molding
  • Rubber extrusion


1. Experience within the industry – Over 30 years of plastic and rubber production.

2. Provides parts related to service, jeeps, wheelchairs, etc. Automotive Focus specializes in parts for the automotive industry, particularly Suzuki.

3. Quality Certifications – Holds IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 14001:2015 for quality and environmental standards.


1. Heavy Rely – On the automotive sector could make diversification difficult.

2. Specialized Products – Limited to specific plastic and rubber components.

3. Limitation on the Geographic Area of Business – It mainly works in Hungary, restricting its worldwide presence

If you are looking for an injection molding manufacturer or want to purchase this product, you are welcome to contact KALOplasztik for a reliable solution.


設立年 1969
Number of employees: 1000-1300
ビジネスタイプ OMS Besser Group manufactures thermoplastic components that provides mold-making, injection molding, and assembly services.


ウェブサイト https://www.omsbesser.com
Eメール besser.hu@omsbesser.com
電話 +36-32 355 844
住所 Hungary Bátonyterenye (HU), 3070 Bolyóki út. 8


The OMS Besser Group, founded in 1969, is an expert in manufacturing thermoplastic components, including mold making and molding, finishing, and assembly. It has 1,300 employees, 200 injection machines, and roughly 300 million parts made every year. The company has five subsidiaries in Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Poland. Certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949, and others, OMS Besser lives up to its slogan of embracing innovation, sustainability, and continuous improvement. It is R&D and environmentally responsible oriented.


  • 射出成形
  • Desing and Prototyping
  • クロムメッキ
  • R &D center
  • Mold desing and manufacturing


1. Wide Expertise: Thermoplastic injection is an OMS Besser complete service from mold making to assembling.

2. Global Presence: They have international footprints and subsidiaries in several countries.

3. High-Quality Standards: They are certified across the ISO, IATF, and other systems and guarantee quality products and environmental compliance


1. High Dependency on Technology: Dependent on some advanced machinery, which could become difficult if that machinery breaks down.

2. Complex Logistics: Operations can be managed across several countries with the burden of logistical problems.

3. Costly Operations: Higher operational costs may result from keeping high-quality standards.

If you’re considering using injection molding services or buying parts directly, please call OMS Besser Group.

7.東莞Sincere Tech有限公司

設立年 2005
従業員数 200-300
ビジネスタイプ Sincere Tech is a manufacturing company dedicated to developing custom plastic injection blow molding services and mold manufacturing.


ウェブサイト https://www.plasticmold.net/
Eメール info@plasticmold.net
電話 +86 135 30801277
住所 Dongguan City, Guangdong province China


Dongguan Sincere Tech Co., Ltd was founded in 2005, focusing on custom plastic injection molds and molding. It is located in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province of China, providing solutions in the full range from part design, mold making, and mass production to assembly and shipping to the global market—the industries they offer their services include the automotive, electronics, and medical sectors. Having scalable production capabilities and a concentrated operative system on precision, Sincere Tech ensures quality through ISO 9001 certification. They are the leading company offering high precision and on-time delivery due to their quality assurance system.


  • プラスチック射出成形
  • プロトタイピング
  • manufacturing
  • ダイカスト金型
  • Manual assembly
  • Silicon molding


1. Wide Industry Reach: Sincere Tech services the automotive, electronics, and medical industries.

2. Scalable Production: The company deals with projects from one hundred to one hundred million parts at low costs.

3. ISO Certification: ISO 9001 follows high-quality standards and helps generate customer satisfaction.


1. Reliance on Technology: It requires advanced machinery, which could disrupt operations if it malfunctions.

2. Logistical Challenges: Shipping and production can be complicated globally.

3. Competitive Market: The molding industry has been highly competitive, which demands innovation to remain competitive.

If you are interested in our injection molding services or need to buy products, please feel free to contact us at Dongguan Sincere Tech Co.


As a competitive and reliable source of high-quality manufacturing solutions, Hungary’s injection molding industry has become an important powerhouse across the automotive, electronics, healthcare, and consumer goods sectors. With its privileged geographic position, skilled workforce, and strong industrial infrastructure, the country is an attractive place to outsource injection molding services at competitive rates. The country’s top companies, such as PLASTIC-FORM Ltd., Plastic Product Hungary Kft., Plasticor Kft., PAYER Industries Hungary Kft., Kaloplasztik Kft., and OMS Besser Group, supply wide and specialized services. Many of these companies can offer end-to-end solutions, including mold design and manufacturing, post-processing, assembly, and packaging. They produce high-quality, long-lasting plastic components that meet their customers’ needs using cutting-edge technology, including automation, robotics, and precision tooling.
How do these companies differentiate from their competition? They are committed to extremely rigorous quality standards, certified by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949, and ISO 13485. These certifications assure clients that the companies care about quality, are environmentally responsible, and comply with client regulations. Some companies concentrate on niche industries or general production capacities, while others have developed an international reputation through producing various products. Overall, Hungary provides businesses with the very best injection molding services in terms of reliability, efficiency, and innovative capacity. As the country’s reputation for excellence in manufacturing continues to grow, it becomes an attractive place for companies to work with reliable, top-quality manufacturers.

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