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Top 10 Injection Molding Companies in France

The injection moulding industry works across France at full capacity and provides fundamental support for all national manufacturing applications. French companies with a background in precision engineering support different market sectors, starting from automotive production and extending to aerospace manufacturing, medical product production, consumer goods, packaging manufacturing, and electronics production. The French injection moulding industry succeeds with national backing for innovation and sustainability and superior manufacturing quality that positions it as a world leader. The production of plastic parts relies on mould filling of molten materials as a widespread manufacturing technique. The automated moulding process enables the production of multiple complex, precise parts along with affordable costs and excellent repeatability […]

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Top 10 Injection Molding Companies In Malaysia 

Being home to some of the world’s leading injection molding companies, Malaysia has evolved from a country based on agriculture since gaining independence in 1957 to a striking industrial hub. Because of its strategic location, pool of skilled workforce, and business-friendly environment has attracted global investments, making it a key player in electronics, automotive, medical devices, aerospace, and plastic manufacturing. The Malaysian government’s initiatives, such as the New Economic Policy (NEP) and Vision 2020, have further spurred technological and sustainable growth.  Over the last few decades, Malaysia has steadily become a leading force in the plastic injection molding industry, catering to local and international markets. Broadly, Malaysian companies encompass a […]


People recognize Italy as a European nation that demonstrates economic power, develops sophisticated industries, and preserves its rich cultural tradition. Fifty-nine million residents’ dwell within an area with mountainous regions, plain areas, and coastal areas. The nation’s manufacturing sector leads globally through automotive fashion machinery injection molding and other industrial specialties. Major cities like Rome, Milan, and Turin serve as economic hubs as a member of the European Union. Italy has adopted the Euro currency for its monetary system. Italy maintains a crucial position in world trade and manufacturing operations because of its developed infrastructure system and innovation-driven approach. The plastics and injection molding sector make Italy its global leadership […]

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ハンガリーの射出成形メーカー トップ6社

The injection Molding Industry in Hungary is very active, with many companies offering state-of-the-art manufacturing solutions. Specializing in high-quality plastic component making for automotive, electronics, healthcare consumer goods, etc., these companies have been producing high-quality plastic components. Due to the latest technologies, Hungarian injection molding companies manage to create exact and durable products through highly efficient production lines. These companies have a skilled workforce and state-of-the-art equipment, which enables them to deliver cost-effective solutions while maintaining very high standards of quality and innovation. Hungary has a strong industrial base, competitive pricing, and well-developed infrastructure that make it an inviting place of operation for any business wishing to rely on reliable […]


トルコの射出成形金型メーカー TOP 8

世界の射出成形業界は、最先端の生産設備、プロフェッショナルな労働者、コスト効率の高いオペレーションにより、トルコを主要な参加国として認めている。トルコの産業は、自動車や医療、パッケージング、家電製品などの他のセクターのための近代的なソリューションと一緒にプレミアムプラスチック製品を供給する多くの射出成形会社をホストしています。これらの企業は、適合成形や個々のプラスチック部品に精通し、効率的な製造方法を維持しています。 トルコの射出成形セクターでは、各社が豊富な操業実績、最先端の製造能力、継続的な進歩への取り組みを示している。トルコの射出成形業者は、複雑な金型開発プロジェクトに取り組む一方で、大量生産要件に対応した信頼性の高い安価なサービスを提供する能力を通じて、業界の好評を維持している。製造 [...]...

シンガポールのプラスチック成形メーカー トップ8


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ブラジルの射出成形サプライヤー Top 8

ブラジルは、射出成形分野で最も重要で競争力のある企業の一つであり、自動車、電子機器、白物家電、ヘルスケア、パッケージング産業など、大規模でダイナミックな生産産業に対応している。ブラジルの射出成形サプライヤーは、その斬新さ、精密技術、国際規格の遵守で知られている。ブラジルは南米の一国であるため、同社は射出成形市場において重要な役割を担っており、南米および世界市場の顧客の需要に応えるため、製造技術の強化を目指している。射出成形は、様々な大量生産部品を可能な限り低コストで成形するために必要なツールを製造する際に使用される代表的な技術である。しかし、サプライヤーは [...] 続きを読む